Tuesday, March 23, 2010

C4000 Complete

Six flights in and six flights to solo.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Very Coloradoan Vernal Equinox

Today is the day where once again, light finally conquers dark - the day of the vernal equinox - and there hasn't been this much light in Oklahoma since last autumn. Accordingly, there is only one proper way to celebrate the occasion, the much anticipated spring festival: Ēostre.

Unfortunately, Colorado found out she wasn't invited to our little festival - I hate long distance relationships - and summoned some ill will in our general direction (love hurts sometimes). Now as much as I adore CO - she really shouldn't be so generous with her weather and understand OK likes tornadoes, not snow.

Anyhow, the hyacinths didn't mind the weather and smell and look amazing. It was very thoughtful of them to bloom for the occasion.

And so the festival is on hold for now, at least until the weather matches the season. Perhaps we will celebrate when the hummingbirds return to the land.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Dollar Ride

According to Air Force tradition, after the first familiarization ride in a new airframe, the student gives his instructor pilot a dollar for flying him around. These dollars are decorated to reflect some memorable aspect of the flight.

I flew with the Boss - the squadron commander - a pretty fierce guy and a pretty good pilot. We spent a lot of time in the clouds and some time above them. It was a blast.