Sunday, April 25, 2010


I've been frustrated with Oklahoma recently. The state has too few places are free of noise pollution or obtrusive humanity. I was beginning to feel trapped here - it was solitude that I needed. I needed to get away

So I left. Driving a few hours south of Enid - into the Wichita Wilderness - I found some peace.

So there is beauty in Oklahoma. It's not as obvious as in Colorado but there is some of it. It just happens to be much more subtle and intricate out here. Incredibly, combinations of wind, light, and shadow - in proper order - can transform an otherwise monotonous landscape in a field of great depth and contrast.

The wilderness parking lots were crowded on this fair-weather Saturday but I was surprised how little I had to walk before it was just me and the buffalo.

Luck provided a campsite to me - I paid for a designated place - but once the sun set, I elected to walk a bit further out of the crowded campgrounds. After half a mile saunter, I could no longer hear anything but the wind and the coyotes. At this site, my only company became the stars, moon, and fireflies. It was just what I needed.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tulsa. A Tale of Rhododendrons, Trimethylxanthine, and Calcium Carbonate

Rudely awakened by good intentions, I found myself 120 miles east of Enid rather early this morning. It was Keri who packed up Andrew and me - and in good time we were at a farmer's market in Tulsa. Of course there was no produce, it's April for godsake - but there were plenty of good vibes on 15th street regardless of date in time. Even though peaches weren't in season, it just so happened Azaleas were. Disclaimer: this maybe a Keeling hyperbole - but! - there were probably one million flowering azaleas throughout Tulsa. Incredible.

Count them. One million.

Keri desperately wants a puppy - but then what is Andrew?

Brother Mathiaus mailed Andrew money - as a gift to spend on my birthday - for the purchase of fleeting happiness. How could it be better spent than on a cup of chai? Thanks broski.

The sun finally quit as I showboated a V0 in Chandler Park. Thus concluding a day, very well spent.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Yep, that's me in the jet. Best birthday ever.

After solo, you get dunk'd by your classmates - to cool off - and that's why I'm standing in a pool of water.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dandelions are no joke

Spring is no more than ten days old and the Dandelion community is already fostering a second generation. Oh, progeny! Seriously.

I was slated to solo the jet today. But in goodwill, Uncle Sam - and Zyphyr (manifested as a 28knot westerly crosswind) - rather'd make the occasion a birthday celebration. Here's to hoping for better weather tomorrow.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Meet Monster

After possessing Keri's heart, Monster - a spunky clumsy lovable kitty - is the newest member of 2901 W Randolf. It took virtually no time at all for the forcibly affectionate cat to make itself at home here. A new warmth in the haus, welcomed quite openly and unconditionally.