Saturday, May 1, 2010

Earth Day, Everyday

Feeling possessed to leave an indelible mark on Randolf, I planted a tree in our front yard today. A blue spruce - the Picea pungens - Colorado's conifer. I hope it takes to Oklahoma as well as I have.


  1. I love the tree -- did Monster help with the planting? I can't wait to start planting here, we just keep growing our snow totals.

  2. The state tree of Colorado is a fitting tribute of your legacy in OK

  3. David said maybe you should put guard rails around the tree to protect it from Andrew and Keri :)

  4. The property owner is lucky to have such caring tenants. You will leave the property much improved from when you guys arrived.

  5. I'm glad to see Monster acting as a "guard cat", but for such a beautiful tree he looks pretty intimidated by it.

    Personally, I am a lot more creeped out by the super freaky trees in the back yard.
