Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A New Day in a New Life

Dan drove west this morning, never to return to the garden of Enid. No, not banished or exciled. He left to pursue his new life in Colorado. It was a sad - sunny - day for Randalf but we wish him all the best with his new career back in the motherland.


  1. Crazy pic. I wish Dan the best, but what does the future hold for him?

    Also, does that mean that there is an empty room in the house...maybe room for one more Keeling.

  2. Dan'll be a Comm Officer. I think like the computer maintenance, IT guy.

    The extra room? Well, I'm not getting married or adopting any time soon so I'm not quite sure where this extra Keeling is coming from? . . . Anyhow I think Andrew wants to convert the space into a green house. To grow stuff.
