Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Long Road East and Walking a Fine Line

Joey - newly engaged! - and I followed the shortest stretch of pavement back to Enid after our respective FourthofJuly adventures in Colorado. It still took 10ish hours, one book-on-CD, and two pizzas but we found our way home, chasing a storm through Kansas all the way.

So it's been a dream of mine to own a slackline - a taunt, thin piece of webbing strung tightly between two trees - and now! it's a reality.

Andrew tests his balance and proves the current Randalf record holder for longest time on the line (9 seconds and one step forward).


  1. What IS the green thing on the ground? A pad for falls? Maybe this is why there is only one step forward.

  2. the thin yellow line to the slack line. Looking good 2LT Morris!
