Sunday, July 25, 2010

A New Yorker, the Toner, Selenium, and Waynoka

So what of the track select results for the better half of Randalf? On Thursday night, Andrew with nervous anticipation and much trepidation leading up to the evening - finally received the Air Forces' blessing - and will be flying the T-1, a friend, an instructor, and a coffee-maker for the next couple of months.

He was pretty excited.

Soon it was Matty's turn to fly the T-6. With a little baby-aero instruction and cockpit orientation - we strapped a jet to the kid and he took off.

He did good.

Saturday afternoon we left for a better part of Oklahoma: the salt flats, for some crystal extraction. With lightening looming not far away - Andrew ensured expeditious crystal scavenging.

With a little help, Matty eventually tore open the earth in the right spot, reached into the red clay and removed his prize: a selenium crystal.

Later, for dinner we ventured further west to Waynoka - a remote cluster of houses and roads resembling a small town - that happened to have a German restaurant with an utter disregard for beer laws in Oklahoma.

Always the gentleman, Andrew assisted Keri back to the car - across the slippery mainstreet.

Matty is now currently up in the air - on his way back to New York, the future, and his membranes - I can't wait to see him in another 6-12 months from now.


  1. It looks like you all had a lot of fun. Thanks so much for hosting Matt. The photos are wonderful -- love you honey, mom

  2. That looks like an awesome simulator.

    Good work Charles, glad you got my message!

  3. Looks like you all enjoyed yourselves.

    Congrats to the pilots!
